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Courses for incoming exchange students

The School of Economics and Management offers a wide range of courses in English for exchange students. Our coursesChoosing coursesBuild a preliminary scheduleApplication Our courses – an overviewAt the School, we have five different course levels with prerequisites as stated in the course list:A - Introductory, undergraduateB - Intermediate, undergraduateB/C - Intermediate/specialization, undergr - 2025-03-14

Key dates and deadlines for incoming exchange students

Lund University School of Economics and Management Autumn semester 2025Semester dates: 1 September 2025–18 January 2026Study period 1: 1 September–31 October Study period 2: 3 November–18 JanuaryNomination period by your home university: 15–31 March Online application: 1–15 April Housing application: MayCourse confirmation: end of May Arrival Day: 19 August Orientation Weeks: 19 August–31 AugustLU - 2025-03-14

Preparing to come to LUSEM

Lund University School of Economics and Management Letter of AcceptanceResidence Permits and VisaPre-arrival information and Arrival DayCompulsory Pre-Registration Day at LUSEMOrientation WeeksAcademic calendarLetter of AcceptanceYou will receive a Letter of Acceptance in PDF format after the application deadline. This is a formal confirmation that you have been accepted as an exchange student to - 2025-03-14

During your exchange at LUSEM

Lund University School of Economics and Management Lund Learning CulturePlagiarismLund student lifeTranscript of RecordsUseful links for current students Lund Learning CultureA vast number of international students from all over the world come to LUSEM on exchange or to study one of our programmes. This creates global classroom environments where students encounter different cultural perspectives - 2025-03-14

Winter school at LUSEM

Lund University School of Economics and Management Discover our unique Winter School in collaboration with Hanken School of Economics in Helsinki, Finland. We offer an intensive two-week programme (6 ECTS) one week in Lund, Sweden and one week in Helsinki in Finland. The Darkness of Business, LundSustainable Finance, HelsinkiTeaching staffInformation for applicantsMore information about your stay - 2025-03-14

Information for Partner Universities

Good reasons to choose Lund University School of Economics and ManagementResources for partners Print materialImage banksVirtual campus tourVideos Good reasons to choose usLund University School of Economics and Managementis accredited by AACSB, EQUIS and AMBA. The triple accreditation, or the Triple Crown, is held by just over 100 business schools worldwide, and less than 1% of all business schoo - 2025-03-14

Partner universities

LUSEM has more than 130 partner universities in more than 30 countries around the world. Current student? Use the search tool "Find your destination" to see what options are available for your programme!ArgentinaPontifical Catholic University of Argentina***AustraliaAustralian National University***Curtin UniversityDeakin University**Griffith UniversityMonash UniversityMurdoch University***Royal M - 2025-03-14

International office at LUSEM

Lund University School of Economics and Management International Office The International Office at Lund University School of Economics and Management develops and administers the international study opportunities at the School. Contact the International Office if you have questions about:Exchange studiesDouble degree programmesInternational Master ClassSummer exchangeTuition-based mobility progra - 2025-03-14

LUSEM Library Research support

We can help you with:LUCRIS - research information systemPublishing and Open accessResearch data managementMake a search requestReference management Contact us if you have any questions! You are welcome to contact us at LUSEM library if you have questions or if you need individual guidance. We can also visit your department or research group to inform about our research support or a specific topic - 2025-03-14

AI Policy – Department of Economic History

The Department of Economic History recognises the rapid increase in the use of AI-based tools in fields related to the education we provide and in society at large. We recognise that these tools are likely to remain accessible to students. To ascertain that the tools are used responsibly, ethically, and in ways that promote and accelerate student learning while safeguarding examination by working - 2025-03-14

Internship courses

In order to get ECTS credits for your internship (and thus also CSN funding), you should apply for special internship courses at your department. Read carefully through the eligibility requirements for each internship course before applying. Internships in Business Administration (only for progamme students) BSc in Business and EconomicsWithin the framework of the BSc in Business and Economics, th - 2025-03-14

Research data management

The LUSEM library offer support on certain issues regarding the handling of research data. Here you find information on requirements and guidelines, data management plan, storage of data and sharing data. Page navigationRequirements and guidelines Managing research data containing personal dataEthical perspectivesArchiving of research dataRequirements from fundersData management planStorage of res - 2025-03-14

Research areas

At Lund University School of Economics and Management We conduct research within the framework of a large number of research programmes and areas of excellence. The research areas of Lund University School of Economics and Management (LUSEM) are organised around our departments and traditional academic disciplines such as business administration, economics, economic history, business law, informat - 2025-03-14

Inrättande och avveckling av utbildning

Innan ett nytt utbildningsprogram inrättas vid fakulteten gör universitetet en prövning för att utreda om utbildningen har de förutsättningar som krävs för att bli en del av utbildningsutbudet. Medicinska fakulteten utgår i dessa fall ifrån Lunds universitets övergripande handläggningsordningar och riktlinjer.Fakulteten utgår ifrån bland annat hur utbildningen är anpassad till studenters och arbet - 2025-03-14

Kursvärdering, kurs- och programutvärdering och kvalitetsplan

Kursvärderingar och kursbokslut är en central del i utvecklingen av fakultetens kurser. Studenter får genom kursvärderingarna delge sina synpunkter och erfarenheter om enskilda kurser och lärare och studenter kan komma med förslag om hur utbildningen kan förbättras. Kursvärderingarna är obligatoriska och sker efter varje avslutad kurs utifrån gemensam framtagen kursvärderingsmall. Kursvärderingarn - 2025-03-14


Fakultetens webbplatserMedicinska fakultetens webbplatser ska följa internationella och nationella riktlinjer för webbpublicering. Som myndighet har vi ett särskilt ansvar att utforma hemsidor så att de är tillgängliga för så många som möjligt.Vid frågor kontakta webbplatsansvarig för den webbplats det gäller. Har du generella frågor kontakta webbredaktionen vid Medicinska fakulteten.Webbredaktion - 2025-03-14

Nämnden för jämställdhet och lika villkor

Nämndens sammansättningOrdförandeVicedekan Eva AgebergLedamöterHMS-prefekt (universitetslektor), Karolin Hansen NordInstitutionen för laboratoriemedicinHMS-prefekt (forskare/docent), Anna DarabiInstitutionen för kliniska vetenskaper i LundHMS-prefekt (professor), Marju Orho-Melander Institutionen för kliniska vetenskaper i MalmöHMS-prefekt (professor) Elin TrägårdhInstitutionen för translationell - 2025-03-14

Att ansöka om och starta ny webbplats

Funderar du på att starta en webbplats för att lösa ett eller flera kommunikationsbehov? Nedan finns viktig information som du först behöver ta del av. Det finns en fastlagd struktur för Medicinska fakultetens webbnärvaro på internet. Upplägget gäller alla verksamheter vid fakulteten efter ett beslut av dekanus. Nya webbplatser för delar av verksamheten beviljas endast i undantagsfall.Huvuddelen a - 2025-03-14